Ted Kissel

“A compelling and deeply insightful exploration of love, forgiveness, and self-discovery, Botello’s 180 Days skillfully delves into the complexities of human relationships, offering a raw and authentic portrayal of the challenges faced by many, making it a truly...

Greg Fields

“Alfredo Botello’s debut novel delves into themes of self, uncertainty, passion, loss, and the overwhelming need for each of us to redeem ourselves, to surmount past mistakes and reclaim who and what we really are. With an intensity that mirrors the depth of these...

Liam Callanan

“A love letter to art, architecture, music, dreams lost and found, innovative plumbing, and, finally, love itself, 180 Days is smart, funny, and fearlessly romantic. . . . The novel’s characters may be running out of time, but Alfredo Botello’s boundless talent is...